Friday, April 15, 2022

Season 22 superfinal games 41-50

 After 50 games Stockfish leads 17-5 with 28 draws. Stockfish won two more game pairs, though one of them was a result of a blunder KomodoDragon made after a long shuffle and while playing on increments. KomodoDragon won a game and for the 5th time lost the consecutive reverse game. Stockfish's lead is +12 at the half way point of the match, it is almost certainly going to win. What remains to be seen is the final margin and whether KomodoDragon will be able to win a game pair.

In game 41 Stockfish managed to lock the center with diagonal pawn lines. after exchanging a few minor pieces the engines started to shuffle. There was one pawn exchange on the queen side and a few pawn moves on the king side, other than that only shuffling until move 68. KomodoDragon pushed a pawn on the king side and this led to exchanges and simplification. Evals were 0 and the game was adjudicated a few moves afterwards. In game 42 the engines exchanged a pair of pawns on the queen side early. After both engines fully developed their pieces Stockfish opened the queen side completely and went a pawn up. There were many exchanges and the game reached a QRN vs QRB position. Stockfish had a passer but couldn't support its moving forward. KomodoDragon regained the pawn on the king side, after exchanging queens evals came down. The game was adjudicated after the pawns stopped moving.

Games 43-44 started with an 18-ply book in the French Steinitz Boleslavsky variation, played at the highest level in human matches. Both games continued in a PV agreement for 9 more plys, black gave a knight for two pawns and created a passer on the queen side. In game 43 Stockfish pushed its passer to the 3rd rank, it was supported by another pawn and by the queen that moved forward on the queen side. KomodoDragon gave a pawn on the king side, most of its pieces were ready to defend against the black passer advancing while its queen moved forward on the king side. The black king ran to the queen side and the white queen captured a pawn.

The white queen was almost trapped, KomodoDragon found a safe square for it on h4. Stockfish gave another pawn on the king side and tried to threaten the white king with its major pieces. KomodoDragon protected its king and shifted to the queen side, it gave a rook for a knight to break up the black pawns. Now there were two black passers on the queen side, both isolated. 

KomodoDragon captured the two passers quickly, Stockfish had no other threats. The material difference was small but sufficient, KomodoDragon exchanged bishops then created a passer in the center. Stockfish lost material and the game ended in mate.

In game 44 both engines castled short, KomodoDragon pushed the passer to the 3rd rank as before. In a long PV agreement Stockfish gave a rook for a knight and captured the passer, then the engines reduced to a BNN vs RB position on move 30.

Evals were over 2 though this didn't look like an easy win. KomodoDragon tried to find safe spots for its pieces and enough protection for its pawns. The black bishop moved in front of the pawns in the center. The engines traded pawns until there were only 3 left for each engine, mostly in the center. 

Stockfish exchanged bishops and KomodoDragon could not protect the black pawns with its king alone. Stockfish captured two pawns and queened a passer to win. There were two white wins in this game pair, Stockfish leads 15-5.

Games 45-46 started with a Caro Kann advance variation in a line played at the highest level of human chess, with a blocked center. In game 45 the engines opened the c file and eventually Stockfish castled short. All the queen side pawns were exchanged except for one, KomodoDragon went a pawn up with a passer still on the 2nd rank. Stockfish managed to capture the passer, it fortified the king side with pieces surrounding its king. KomodoDragon opened the king side with a knight for pawns sacrifice, then after a series of exchanges the game reached a QB vs RBB position. Evals came down, both engines did not attempt to attack and the game was adjudicated.

In game 46 there was an early pawn exchange on the queen side but the files remained closed. The engines exchanged a few minor pieces, again KomodoDragon castled short and the engines started to shuffle. A few pawn moves and the exchange of the remaining knights extended the game beyond move 100. The engines were low on time and in blitz mode. A pawn exchange on the king side created an opening that the black queen guarded. On move 120 Stockfish gave a pawn and opened the h file. KomodoDragon moved its queen forward but couldn't force an exchange. Suddenly Stockfish's eval jumped, KomodoDragon noticed too late that its queen walked into a trap.

Stockfish threatened Re1 and capturing the queen, KomodoDragon gave a pawn to free its queen and this opened another file on the king side. KomodoDragon managed to exchange queens but not before Stockfish captured another pawn. The game reached a RB vs RB position with white a pawn up.

Stockfish had two passers, KomodoDragon lost another pawn and couldn't prevent a queening for long.  Stockfish wins the game pair, it leads 16-5.

Games 47-48 started with a 16-ply book in the King's Indian, Saemisch orthodox variant, played in the Karpov-Kasparov match in 1990. In game 47 there was one pawn exchange and several minor piece exchanges after the start. By move 26 all the knights were gone and the engines started to shuffle. After 20 moves the engines exchanged pawns on the king side and resumed shuffling. On move 70 KomodoDragon gave a pawn on the queen side, and a few moves later the queen side opened. A series of exchanges reduced to a rook ending, evals were 0 and the game was adjudicated.

In game 48 KomodoDragon traded its queen for two bishops and two pawns right after book. There were no exchanges after that, it took KomodoDragon a while to develop its queen side. Evals increased while Stockfish pushed pawns forward and created a space advantage. KomodoDragon had many pieces but their movement was restricted by its own pawns. Stockfish threatened the backward c pawn and forced KomodoDragon to exchange knights, this created a small opening on the queen side. 

For a few moves Stockfish offered a knight on f5 but KomodoDragon wouldn't take, opening the king side was probably dangerous for its king. Instead KomodoDragon exchanged a bishop for the knight. After some preparation Stockfish attacked the queen side, it cleared the pawns and moved both rooks forward. 

Stockfish had too much fire power for KomodoDragon to handle. After exchanging a pair of rooks Stockfish captured a piece, the game ended in a tablebase win. Stockfish wins the game pair, it leads 17-5.

Games 49-50 started with an 10-ply book in the Ruy Lopez Schliemann defense, then repeated the next 36 plys in PV agreements and a few transpositions. The engines castled in opposite directions and both had a central passer. In game 49 the engines exchanged queens quickly, evals dropped to 0 as the exchanges continued. Both passers were captured and the game reached a RB vs RB position. The game ended in a repetition of checks. In game 50 the queens were exchanged as well, but the passers stayed on the board longer. However both engines could not push the passers forward, eventually they were captured and the game reached a drawn rook ending.

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