Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Season 20 superfinal games 41-50

After 50 games Stockfish leads 3-1 with 46 draws. Stockfish won its second game pair, Leela has yet to win one and half the match is over. The book exit evals are getting higher, still most of the games are draws.

In game 41 the engines castled in opposite directions. Queens were off in a series of exchanges, the king side was opened and the black king was exposed. The engines reduced to a RB vs RN position, Leela had a passer for a while but couldn't protect it. After exchanging rooks the game was adjudicated. In game 42 both engines casled short. There were only a few exchanges after the start, the engines opened a file in the center and exchanged a pair of rooks. The engines started to shuffle on move 30 and when Leela lowered its eval the draw rule ended the game.

In game 43 Stockfish pushed a pawn to h6. The black king side looked vulnerable on dark squares, yet Leela castled short. Stockfish's eval was around 1 for a while, Leela exchanged the DS bishops and felt safe. The black pawns stood in a wall across the board with a knight filling the gap on the queen side. Stockfish exchanged a pair of pawns but it couldn't break through. Evals came down, the engines shuffled and the game was adjudicated. Game 44 started with the same setup, a white pawn on h6 and black castling short. This time the engines opened the center, exchanged DS bishops and queens. Evals came slowly down as the engines continued to exchange pieces until the game reached a rook ending. The game was adjudicated when the pawns stopped moving.

Games 45-46 started with a 20-ply book in the Ruy Lopez, closed variation. In game 45 Stockfish locked the center, there were almost no exchanges and Stockfish's eval was mostly under 1. The engines opened a file on the queen side and exchanged a pair of rooks. After trading a pair of bishops Stockfish's eval came down. There were no pawn moves for a while and the draw rule ended the game, still with most pieces on the board. In game 46 again there were almost no exchanges after the start. The center was locked, Stockfish exchanged a pair of pawns on the queen side and created a passer. Leela opened the king side and threatened the black king, Stockfish exchanged queens and a pair of bishops to stop the attack. The engines started to shuffle on move 38, except for a few pawn moves. Leela's eval slowly came down and the game was adjudicated on move 84.

Games 47-48 started after all the white king side pawns moved forward, leaving the white king with no pawn support. In game 47 Leela moved its queen forward and threatened the white king, Stockfish blocked with its queen. Stockfish castled short despite an open file on the king side, Leela kept its king in the center. Stockfish blocked the open file on the king side with a knight, Leela couldn't find an entry point on the queen side. After 20 shuffling moves the engines exchanged several pieces and pawns. Stockfish gave a rook for a bishop and created connected passers that Leela had to block. In a QBN vs QRB position Stockfish gave a knight and ended the game in check repetition. In game 48 Leela moved its king forward closer to the pawns. Stockfish castled long despite an open file on the queen side. After exchanging a pair of rooks the engines shuffled for 20 moves. Stockfish had a king side passer that Leela had to watch, the engines exchanged the remaining rooks and Leela captured the passer. Evals slowly came down, the engines reduced to a QB vs QB position and the game was adjudicated.

In game 49 the engines locked the center, Stockfish pushed pawns on the king side and moved its king without castling. The engines exchanged a few minor pieces, Stockfish traded its h pawn and doubled rooks on the h file, making the black h7 pawn a target. Leela protected its pawn, evals were below 0.5 and it seemed Leela was holding as the engines mostly shuffled. Approaching move 80 both engines had less than 4 minutes left on the clock, Stockfish started to sense an advantage and its eval went over 1.

Stockfish sacrificed a knight on f5 and immediately both evals jumped over 5. Leela did not want to lose its a4 pawn so it took the knight with the pawn. This opened the way for the white g pawn to move forward, increasing the pressure on the pinned h7. Leela gave a rook to get rid of the g6 pawn. After exchanging bishops Stockfish used threats on the black a4 and d6 pawns to move its queen forward on the queen side. The black king was in danger and Leela reduced to a R vs N ending.

Stockfish created a passer on the queen side and pushed it forward. Leela had to block it, defend its d6 pawn and prevent the white king from advancing. After a while Stockfish managed to push the passer forward and Leela lost its knight to stop it, game over.

In game 50 Leela castled long and kept the king side closed. The engines exchanged a pair of minor pieces and a pair of pawns, and mostly shuffled from move 27. Evals were around 1 but Leela couldn't find a way to break through the black pawn wall. The engines exchanged a pair of knights and continued to shuffle. Just before reaching the 50-move draw Leela moved a pawn and locked the entrance on the king side. The evals came down, the engines reduced to a RB vs RB position and the game was adjudicated. Stockfish wins the game pair, it leads 3-1.

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