Sunday, January 24, 2021

Season 20 superfinal games 31-40

After 40 games Stockfish leads 2-1 with 37 draws. After 26 draws there was a decisive game, Stockfish managed to win the first game pair of the match. The opening bias is slowly increasing, still the engines find a draw in most openings.

There were many pawn moves after the start of game 31. The engines locked pawns on the king side, a first pawn exchange on move 17 opened a file in the center. The engines exchanged a pair of rooks and evals came down. Most pawns could not move, without captures the draw rule ended the game quickly with most pieces on the board. In game 32 the king side pawns stayed back initially. The first pawn trade on move 22 exposed the black king, Leela moved its queen forward together with a pawn on g5. Leela gave two pawns and opened a file in the center, then moved a rook forward. Stockfish countered with a passer on the 7th rank, Leela regained the pawns and a series of exchanges reduced to a RNN vs RBN position. Leela captured the black passer, evals were low and the engines continued to exchange until reaching a tablebase draw.

Thefe were no exchanges in the first 35 moves of game 33. The center was locked and the engines played behind their pawn lines, Stockfish's eval fluctuated around 1. On move 36 the engines traded minor pieces and Stockfish went up a pawn, the half open file on the queen side gave Leela a target for its rook. The engines shuffled with Stockfish's eval a little higher. On move 57 Stockfish pushed f5, further restricting Leela's pieces.

Stockfish's eval slowly increased though it seemed the engines were just shuffling. The engines traded off all knights, Stockfish's eval was over 3 while Leela's eval was still under 1. Leela's bishop was trapped, it tried to attack the white weak pawn on a3 but didn't have enough attackers. Stockfish threatened the black pawn on c7 and Leela's eval started to increase. It decided to give a rook for a bishop and pawn and opened the a file, with only QR vs QB remaining.

Stockfish captured the c7 pawn, Leela finally freed its bishop but it lost another pawn on the queen side. The black king was vulnerable on the back rank, a mate threat together with an advanced passer let Stockfish capture the black bishop. Leela kept fighting but mate was inevitable. Finally a decisive game.

In game 34 the engines opened a file on the queen side early. A minor piece trade closed the file again, Stockfish pushed pawns on the king side and its eval came down to 0. However it jumped back over 0.5 when Leela moved a knight to c6. The engines opened a file on the king side and exchanged all rooks, leaving a QBN vs QBN position. After a while the engines traded B for N and opened the queen side. Leela went up a pawn but let the black queen move forward and give checks. Leela could not protect its pawns and find a safe spot for its king, evals came down and the game was adjudicated. A first game pair win for Stockfish, it leads 2-1.

Games 35-36 started with the Lasker variation of the Bird opening, From's gambit. White was a pawn up and the black center pawns were gone. Stockfish castled short in game 35 despite the open king side. Leela kept its king uncastled and threatened the king side, but couldn't break through. Leela decided to castle short as well, the engines opened a file on the queen side and exchanged a pair of rooks. Evals came down, after some shuffling the engines exchanged queens. Leela gave two pawns but pinned the white rook, a series of exchanges reduced to an opposite color bishop ending and a draw. In game 36 Stockfish castled long and its eval came down to 0 early. It sacrificed a knight and exposed the white king to attack. Leela blocked with its rook which became pinned. A series of exchanges reduced to a rook ending, evals were low and the game was adjudicated quickly.

In game 37 the engines opened the center and queens were off early. The engines continued to exchange pieces and pawns until reaching an opposite color bishop ending on move 35. Stockfish was a pawn up and wouldn't lower its eval, the game was finally adjudicated on move 146. In game 38 the center remained closed. Leela moved its king to the king side, Stockfish kept its king in the center. A series of exchanges reduced to a QR vs QRN position with white two pawns up. After exchanging queens Stockfish was down to its last pawn, evals were 0 and the game was adjudicated quickly.

In game 39 the center was locked, Stockfish pushed pawns on the queen side and Leela pushed pawns on the king side. The engines traded pawns, Stockfish opened a file on the queen side and went a pawn up, Leela threatened the white king on the king side. Leela exposed the white king with a knight sacrifice, Stockfish countered with a passer on the 7th rank, both evals were close to 0. Leela captured the passer and used a skewer to trade a bishop for a rook. The game reached a BBN vs RB position and ended in a tablebase draw. In game 40 Leela opened a file on the queen side, Stockfish was slower with its attack on the king side. Stockfish gave a pawn on the king side and opened a file, it gave a second pawn on the queen side so Leela had a passer there, but evals were close to 0. The engines traded pieces and pawns until only RN vs RN were left. Stockfish captured one pawn back, Leela pushed its last pawn to the 7th rank but could go no further and the game was adjudicated.

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