part 1, games 1-8
part 2, games 9-16
part 3, games 17-24
part 4, games 25-28
part 5, games 29-32
part 6, games 33-36
part 7, games 37-40
part 8, games 41-48
part 9, games 49-52
After 52 games Stockfish led 12-4 with 36 draws.
In game 53 there were many exchanges after the opening with only RRB vs RRB remaining on move 18. Stockfish had a small eval advantage and better placed pieces, and a potential pawn advantage on the queen side.
Komodo's rooks remained passive and its king could not leave the king side, while Stockfish's king moved up the queen side. After exchanging bishops Stockfish's eval advantage was over 2.
Stockfish captured the black c pawn and Komodo's defense crumbled. After exchanging a few pawns and a pair of rooks Stockfish had two advanced passers on the queen side which were decisive.
The reverse game 54 started in a similar sequence of moves, again with only RRB vs RRB left on move 19. Komodo had a small eval advantage and an advanced passer, but since the bishops were of opposite colors the position was more drawish.
There were a few pawn exchanges which simplified the position. Komodo held to its strong passer and doubled rooks on the e file, Stockfish tried to defend with only a little room to move. The evals climbed above 1 for white, Stockfish's eval significantly higher.
There were several shuffling moves and it seemed that Komodo could not find a way to break through the black defense. Stockfish then advanced its g pawn, and in the new position Komodo found a path to victory. Stockfish sacrificed a pawn on the king side to gain a passer on the g file, but with Komodo controlling g1 with its bishop and with a pawn advancing on the f file the game was soon over. What would have happened if Stockfish continued shuffling? My guess - a draw. Stockfish prepared for a threat Komodo did not see.
Game 55 started with many exchanges that left RBN vs RRN after move 21, Stockfish an exchange down but with two more pawns. The evals were a little in white's favor but after exchanging a pair of rooks the evals dropped to zero. The pawns advanced as far as they could and the position became static, ending the game in a repetition draw.
The reverse game started similarly, reaching a RBN vs RRB position after move 21 and Komodo with an extra pawn. The evals were close to zero when Komodo chose to give back the exchange, it had an advanced passer and a centered king in a RB vs RB ending. Stockfish had no problem holding its position, it took another 20 moves but the game ended in a draw.
Game 57 was a 22 move miniature that ended in a repetition draw, while Stockfish was two pawns down. It is interesting to note that Stockfish saw the outcome in its PV starting from move 10.
In game 58 Komodo avoided an early queen exchange, Stockfish had a pawn advantage in a closed position. After a few exchanges the position opened with QRB vs QRB remaining, and the evals dropped to zero. Komodo gave a pawn and ended the game with a perpetual check.
After 58 games Stockfish leads by 13-5 with 40 draws. There are only 6 games remaining so Stockfish will win the match, regardless of the results of the last games.
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