Draw rate, wins

Final draw rate was 65.2%.
Game termination
The three most common game termination causes were:
32.1% - TCEC win rule
31.3% - TCEC draw rule
17.0% - SyzygyTB, 3-Fold repetition
Chiron crashed once in the division.
Moves per game

Median= 56
Average= 66.6
There were 14 games longer than 100 moves, the longest was 180 moves (Game 13, AllieStein - Jonny, draw).
Time per game (hours)

Median= 1:53
Average= 1:49
There were 12-ply book openings in this stage chosen by Cato. The first letter of the ECO codes was distributed as follows:

The engines had almost no freedom to choose the opening variant. 83.9% of the game pairs repeated the same ECO code twice, and 75.0% repeated the same opening variant. Only in 1.8% of the game pairs (one game pair) the ECO first letter was not repeated twice.
Reverse pairs, wins

Reverse pairs, same moves

Pairs of reverse games diverged very quickly, 42.9% diverged immediately out of book, 76.8% of the pairs diverged at most after 1 move. There were many long sequences of repeated moves, the longest was 20 plys (Laser - Jonny, games 68 and 96, QGD semi-Slav Meran variation, two draws).
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