Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Season 25 superfinal games 51-60

After 60 games Stockfish leads 17-10 with 33 draws. Stockfish extended its lead to 7 wins after another game pair win. There were two game pairs with two white wins. After 30 game pairs Leela still has only one game pair win. Stockfish won 5 of the last 15 game pairs.

Games 51-52 started with a rare 20-ply sideline in the KID Fianchetto, classical main line. In game 51 there was one pair of pawns exchanged after the start, the engines played behind their pawn lines for a long time. The first piece exchange was on move 32, afterwards there were a few pawns and minor pieces exchanged. On move 45 Stockfish's eval dropped, it gave a rook for a bishop and three pawns, then reduced to a QR vs QN position. Leela managed to capture 3 pawns back, its eval slowly came down and the game was adjudicated.

In game 52 Leela locked the center early, there was one pawn exchange on the queen side and the engines started to shuffle. Stockfish extended the shuffle beyond move 80 with pawn moves. Evals slowly started to increase, on move 88 Leela pushed the f pawn.

Both engines were low on time and played quickly. After a few moves Stockfish opened the king side, evals increased rapidly as the engines exchanged pieces and pawns. On move 106 the game reached a R vs NN imbalance with white two pawns up.

Stockfish captured another pawn and it had 3 passers on the queen side. Leela lost material quickly, Stockfish queened and mated. Stockfish wins the game pair, it leads 15-8.

Games 53-54 started with a rare sideline in the KID Saemisch, Yates defense, played in high level human chess. In game 53 the engines blocked the center and Leela castled long. Stockfish gave a pawn on the king side, giving Leela a passer and hiding its king behind it. Leela gave a knight for two pawns to open the king side and evals dropped. In a series of exchanges the engines reduced to a RR vs RBN position, white two pawns up. Leela still had 7 pawns, its rooks were not effective and the engines shuffled. Leela gave two pawns and captured a knight, evals were low enough and the game was adjudicated. In game 54 Stockfish opened the d file and captured a pawn, queens were off early and evals came down slowly. The engines shuffled for a long time, Stockfish moved a pawn to reset the 50-move draw counter, Leela pushed a passer to the 2nd rank. Stockfish captured another pawn and gave a rook for a knight, the game reached a BN vs RN position with low evals and was adjudicated.

Games 55-56 started with a rare sideline in the Nimzo-Indian defense, three knights variation. In game 55 a series of exchanges opened the center. Stockfish kept its king uncastled and Leela forced it to move, blocking the king side rook. Evals came down after most minor pieces were exchanged, on move 29 the game reached a QRR vs QRR position. Stockfish freed its trapped rook, Leela traded its two rooks for the black queen. The engines traded pawns, Leela was a pawn up but Stockfish held the draw. The game was adjudicated when Leela lowered its eval for the draw rule. Game 56 started similarly with small variations, again the black king side rook was trapped. Leela developed the rook through the h file. There was a lot of shuffling and some pawn and piece exchanges, evals came down. On move 53 the engines reduced to a Q vs RR position. Stockfish was two pawns up but not enough to win, the game was adjudicated when Stockfish lowered its eval for the draw rule.

Games 57-58 started with a rare 22-ply sideline in the Ruy Lopez closed variation. In game 57 the center was blocked and there were no exchanges after the start. Evals slowly increased, Leela pushed pawns on the king side, after move 28 there were a few pawns and minor pieces exchanged and Leela placed a pawn on h6. 

Queens were exchanged, more pawn exchanges opened the board. On move 50 Stockfish gave a rook for a bishop and the white h pawn, the game reached a RRN vs RBN position. Stockfish was a pawn up with connected passers on the king side, but Leela had a significant eval advantage.

The black passers were too far behind to be a threat. Leela captured the a pawn and pushed two passers forward. Stockfish lost material trying to prevent a queening, Leela queened a pawn in the end and the game was adjudicated before mate.

In game 58 again the center was blocked, this time Leela chose to open the b file with the first pawn exchange. Evals were stable, there were no other exchanges and the focus shifted to the king side. After some preparation Stockfish doubled rooks on the f file and on move 39 it pushed the f pawn forward.

Stockfish expected f6 and opening the f file, Leela chose to take with the g pawn. Stockfish took back with its knight and allowed Leela to take the knight. Stockfish thought these Leela moves were inaccuracies and its eval jumped, Leela's eval also jumped a move too late. The king side opened with the white major pieces attacking the black king. Leela gave a bishop back and exchanged pieces, on move 58 the game reached a QBN vs QR position. 

Both kings were exposed but Stockfish found safe squares for its king and slowly moved it forward. Stockfish captured a pawn and exchanged queens, then pushed a passer forward. Leela tried a stalemate trap, Stockfish captured the black rook and promoted the passer to a knight, then mated with minor pieces. There were two white wins in this game pair, Stockfish leads 16-9.

Games 59-60 started with a sideline of the Ruy Lopez, Bird defense variation. In game 59 both queens moved forward early, Leela forced the black king to move without castling. There were many early exchanges and the game reached a RB vs RN position with white a pawn up on move 26.

Leela thought Stockfish should have taken the rook with its king on move 26, its eval jumped and it offered a rook exchange. Stockfish's eval jumped as well and it refused the offer. Leela had a pawn majority on the king side, after a pawn trade it shifted to a pawn majority on the queen side. The white king slowly moved forward to assist, on move 57 Leela captured another pawn and created connected passers.

Leela pushed its passers forward, the white king switched to the king side and captured a pawn. Stockfish lost a rook for one passer, Leela queened and mated.

In game 60 the white queen moved forward on the king side, Leela castled short despite the threat. Stockfish pushed the f pawn forward and evals increased. The engines exchanged all bishops, Leela stopped the white pawn on f6 and exchanged queens. Only RRN vs RRN were left on move 27.

By the time Leela activated its queen side rook Stockfish moved both rooks forward, then captured the h pawn and created a passer. The engines traded pawns and exchanged a pair of rooks, Stockfish captured another pawn on the queen side and created a passer there. By move 56 all the black pawns were gone, Stockfish was two pawns up in a RN vs RN endgame. 

Stockfish moved its king forward and pushed its pawns slowly. Leela tried to avoid a 7-man position, this only prolonged the game for a few moves before adjudication. There were two white wins in this game pair, Stockfish leads 17-10.

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