Sunday, July 28, 2019

Season16 qualification league, live blog Saturday 27.07.19

The race for qualification is over, the league is almost over. We cover the Marvin - LCZeroCPU game, Marvin is one of the stronger engines in this league and it may be strong enough to hold against CPU Leela. Leela won the first game.

move 5: Marvin diverged from the reverse game on move 4, choosing the QGD Vienna opening (reverse was a Catalan opening).

move 11: Marvin chose the less drawish line, it feels good with an eval over 0.8 despite being 2 pawns down. The position is very sharp with many pins. Marvin won a knight for 3 pawns, Leela's eval remains close to 0.

move 17: Leela's 12th move was less popular but still played at the highest level. Marvin got one pawn back, then seemed to bllunder on move 14 and Leela's eval jumped to negative 0.8. Both engines see exchanges coming. Marvin's eval dropped to 0.5 but it still thinks it is ahead.

move 21: Marvin's eval drops below 0 and Leela's eval is over negative 1. Leela castled on move 19, its eval over 2 on move 21. The white king is in danger, there have not been exchanges and black has QRN attacking and the king is exposed.

move 26: Leela doubled rooks on the c file, it looks like game over for Marvin despite being a piece up. Evals are over 5, Leela captured pawns on the queen side and the white king is facing QRR.

move 31: Marvin gave the knight back and it is 3 pawns down and losing. The game will be over soon.

move 38: Leela reduced to a RB vs RB position, Marvin exchanged bishops and only rooks remain. Evals are close to 10, still waiting for the win rule count down.

move 45: game over finally. This was a short game, Marvin was too weak for Leela, even the CPU version.

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