Thursday, April 11, 2019

Season 15 premier division after RR1

Crosstable after RR1

There were only 5 decisive games in the first RR. There are 5 different engines that won a game so there are no real leaders. Fire is the only engine that lost more than one game - it lost 3 - and it appears to be the weak engine of the division.

A few interesting games

AllieStein - Ethereal: The game was stopped after a few moves due to a problem with the GPU server. When replayed, AllieStein was better in a closed position with eval over 4. It may have missed a few chances to win the game. In the end the engines exchanged down to a queen ending and Ethereal managed to hold a draw.

Stockfish - Ethereal: Stockfish had an eval advantage from the start. Stockfish gave a pawn and opened a file on the king side, Ethereal had no safe side for its king and it remained uncastled. Evals stayed around 1, Stockfish regained the pawn and the game reached a RB vs RN position on move 36. Stockfish had connected passers on the queen side and its eval started to increase. Ethereal's pieces were defensive and passive, Stockfish went a pawn up and increased the pressure. Ethereal couldn't hold, the game was adjudicated with Stockfish 2 pawns up and the queen side passers marching.

Houdini - AllieStein: See featured game below.

Leela - Fire: Leela's eval was over 1 right out of book. It applied pressure on the c file with all its major pieces. Leela gave a rook for a knight, and after Fire exchanged queens evals started to increase. The game reached a RB vs RB position and Leela's king side passers were enough for a win. Fire lost a piece and the game was adjudicated.

KomodoMCTS - Fire: Evals started low and slowly increased. KomodoMCTS controlled the center and had a space advantage. Fire did not react when KomodoMCTS pushed the h pawn and threatened to open the king side, instead Fire captured a pawn in the center, KomodoMCTS' eval jumped over 5. The king side opened and the black king was under threat and exposed. Fire exchanged down to a RB vs RN position, but its position was hopeless. The game was adjudicated with the black king trapped, white with a passer on the 6th rank and the white king moving forward.

Fire - AllieStein:The game reached a QRR vs QRB position on move 42. Evals remained low until move 75, Fire somehow allowed AllieStein to take 3 pawns and exchange queens, so only RB vs RR were left and black with 3 pawns to white's none. The endgame was very long, eventually AllieStein found a way to safely push its pawns for the win. The game lasted 160 moves.

Featured game: Houdini - AllieStein
Premier division, game 6
Link to game on TCEC

Evals stayed low for the first 40 moves with most pawns on the board. Houdini opened the queen side and evals increased, though they stayed below 1. The engines exchanged pieces and pawns gradually, and reached a RN vs RB position on move 60.

AllieStein's bishop was weak, to improve its mobility AllieStein gave up the c4 passer. The black pieces moved forward and attacked the white king and pawns. Material was equal but Houdini blocked the center and the black pieces couldn't get back, the evals jumped over 2. 

Houdini pushed the d passer forward and AlllieStein couldn't stop it in time. The game was adjudicated with Houdini close to mate.

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